Bartosz Sokół

kms restructuring

Partner, Licensed Restructuring Advisor, lawyer

He is the receiver in a bankruptcy, as well as the vice-president of the management board of the company, taking part in numerous restructuring proceedings. He specializes in issues related to insolvency (based on bankruptcy and restructuring law), prepared liquidation (pre-pack), as well as economic and managerial interpretation of economic events in the context of legal norms describing economic crimes. Involved in a number of restructuring and bankruptcy processes of companies from various industries, including listed companies.

He represents clients in bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings. He coordinates advisory processes in the Law Firm at the stage of drafting and submitting restructuring or bankruptcy motions and advises on cases under article 299 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code, article 116 of the Polish Tax Ordinance and article 300-302 of the Polish Penal Code.

Member of the Insolvency Law Section of the Allerhand Institute, as well as the National Chamber of Restructuring Advisors.

Author of numerous articles in the field of bankruptcy and restructuring law, including:

  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: Pre-pack in practice. Case studies, [in:] The practice of using pre-packaged liquidation, partial arrangement and bankruptcy arrangement in 2016-2019, Court Watch 2019,
  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: Contested claim at the stage of bankruptcy proceedings, Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny No. 16, 02.2019,
  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: Discrepancies in the interpretation of the concept of „proper time” for filing a bankruptcy motion in the context of article 116 of the Tax Ordinance and article 11 sec. 1 of the Bankruptcy Law, Restructuring Advisor No. 13, 03.2018,
  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: New instruments of bankruptcy law from the economic point of view – benefits for the economy, [in:] New institutions of bankruptcy law in the first two years of its application, Court Watch 2018,
  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: Tax proceedings and recovery of tax claims in bankruptcy proceedings, Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny No. 7, 01.2017,
  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: Methodology of examining the property premise of insolvency in the light of its normative definition, Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny No. 5, 09.2016,
  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: Methodology of testing the liquidity premise of insolvency in the light of its legal definition, Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny No. 3, 03.2016,
  • Kubiczek, B. Sokół: Premises for conducting restructuring proceedings in the light of its purpose, Restructuring Advisor No. 2 12.2015

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