Qualified Restructuring Advisor, economist, court expert in the field of business valuation and insolvency, as well as criminal liability of managers
As a court expert, Marcin Kubiczek specializes in, for example, determining the moment of materialization of insolvency in commercial companies, as well as in expert assessment of management decisions and estimating creditors’ damage. Court and expert opinions of Marcin Kubiczek are used in numerous civil and criminal proceedings, starting from numerous cases for payment under article 299 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code, and ending with criminal proceedings under article 286 Polish Penal Code, 296 Polish Penal Code, and also 300-302 Polish Penal Code.
He is involved in various roles, in a number of bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings of companies from many industries. He advises management boards of listed companies in the field of crisis management. He participated in the inaugural pre-packs in Poland; he acted as a court supervisor in the first legally approved arrangement in the renewable energy industry. He advises listed companies on restructuring and insolvency. He is a lecturer at the Lazarski University in Warsaw in the field of bankruptcy and restructuring, speaker at numerous events for managers and entrepreneurs, a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute in Washington and the National Chamber of Restructuring Advisers and author of numerous articles on restructuring and bankruptcy.
He graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, the University of Silesia in Katowice, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the Łazarski University in Warsaw, he is a court expert on the list conducted by court president of the District Court in Gliwice, a tax expert in the area of jurisdiction of the Director of the Tax Chamber in Katowice, probation officer in commercial matters; an expert in the field of economic interpretation of restructuring, bankruptcy, criminal, fiscal penal, banking, finance, balance sheet, managerial and crisis management law.
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+48 32 308 00 00